The main authors will have the possibility to publish a chapter related to one of their works presented during the congress. The authors of the chapter must be the same and in the same order as the authors of the paper presented.
Only one work per main author may be submitted for evaluation, for possible inclusion in the chapter book.
The submission will be done through the My Congress link by the main author of the paper after a one-time payment of 140 euros at the time of registration. If you also wish to hire the proofreading service to review the formal aspects and APA norms, the price would be 220 euros. The proofreading service includes a single complete revision of the template, formal aspects, and APA norms. It does not include writing, spelling, or grammatical errors.
The chapter will follow the same structure as the work presented at the conference, to which the chapter is related. The title can be the same or, be related to the work presented. The maximum length of the text will be 1,900 words. Submissions may be written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese. Once the paper proposal has been accepted, you will be able to download the template and consult the editing rules in the private area MY CONGRESS.
The chapters accepted by the Expert Committee will be published in an E-book entitled "International Handbook of Clinical Psychology (Vol. 5)", by the editorial Thomson Reuters, indexed in SPI (Ranking: Scholarly Publishers Indicators) Category: Foreign editorials. Position: Q1, or at an equivalent publishing house.
IMPORTANT: If in the process of evaluation of the proposal, non-compliance with any of the rules is detected, the author will be informed without specifying which rules are being violated. The author will have a second and last opportunity to send his/her proposal complying with all the rules. If the second version also fails to comply with any of the rules, it will be rejected and the corresponding payment will not be refunded.
NOTE: The book will only be edited and published if there is a sufficient number of chapters that have passed the evaluation of the committee of experts. In case of non-publication of the chapbook, 100% of the amount paid by the main author for such publication will be refunded.
The deadline for submission of chapters will be November 27, 2025.
The author must send the proposal in a single Word document through My Congress platform. Once your paper proposal has been accepted for presentation at the congress, a tab is enabled in which you will find the rules for chapter formatting and, through which you can attach the document. The deadline for chapter submissions is November 27, 2025.
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